To add a card follow the steps below:
1. Open the App
2. Click on "+" at the top of the screen
3. Click on "Add Card"
4. You will get a camera with a red box to scan the barcode of your card. Place the barcode within that box (make sure it is on a flat surface and in a well-lit room), it will automatically scan the barcode and send you to the next screen. If there is no barcode, select "No Barcode". If the barcode simply won't scan, click "Won't Scan" and enter the barcode manually on the next screen.
5. On The next screen at the top you will see "Select Retailer". Click on that and in the search bar, type in your retailer or scroll to search for it.
6. Click on the retailer. If your retailer isn't on our list, you can create a generic card by selecting "Other Store Not In List" at the top of the Retailer list.
7. If there was no barcode on the card or if you only have a Membership ID, you will have to manually enter the "Membership ID" in the corresponding box
8. If you are adding a GIFT CARD, make sure to toggle the "Gift Card" type to "Yes". Once you do this two boxes will pop up to fill out. "Pin Number" and "Balance".
9. After you have filled everything out, press 'Next' and you will be asked if you want to take a picture of the front and back of the card. You can do this now, or later if you wish.
10. Success! You've added your card! You can now add another card or simply click on 'No More Cards"
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