Ben Curliss

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  • Do Not Sell My Personal Information

    Want to submit a CCPA request? Do so here. 

  • Privacy Policy

    Wondering what our privacy policy is? Check it out here. 

  • How do I reset my password if I do not remember it?

    You can only change your password from your app, you cannot change it from the web. If you do not remember your password, you can still reset it as long as you are signed out of the app. Please mak...

  • How do I delete my account?

    We would hate to see you go and would love to be able to change your mind. However, if you'd like to permanently delete your account, please contact support by clicking on this link: www.keyringapp...

  • How do I reactivate a deleted card?

    No problem! We can help you with that on our end. Please submit a ticket to and let us know which card it was that was deleted along with the email linked to your account.

  • How do I add a card?

    To add a card follow the steps below: 1. Open the App2. Click on "+" at the top of the screen3. Click on "Add Card"4. You will get a camera with a red box to scan the barcode of your card. Place th...

  • How do I update my existing password or email?

    You can change your email or password from your phone. There is no way to change this information from the website at this time. If you know your current email/password and simply want to change it...

  • How do I delete a card?

    Click on the card you wish to delete Click on 'More' at the top right of the screen Click on 'Delete' You're all set!

  • How do I add a card that is not in your retailer list?

    If you add a card and the retailer is not listed, you can add it as a generic card. All you do is select "Other-Retailer not in list" in the retailer selection screen. (It will be at the top of the...

  • Why does scanning fail with flat bed scanners?

    Simply put, there is too much interference when scanning from the phone screen. Handheld, optical scanners work because you can direct the laser very precisely. With flatbeds, you do not have that ...